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Mathilde Gedouin-Lagarde introduces Phytomer’s Resubstance cream

French marine skin care brand Phytomer has launched a new facial cream that targets ageing skin.

The Resubstance Skin Resilience Rich Cream is a dual action cream designed to plump and firm the skin by tackling the internal and external causes of ageing.

It is formulated to treat dry, dehydrated, tight and uncomfortable skin, caused by the sudden decrease of lipids in the skin following menopause.

The cream contains two exclusive ingredients: Concentrated brown algae and marine-origin Corneogel.

Concentrated brown algae is designed to work beneath the surface of the skin. It claims to replenish the dermis tissue, effectively re-plumping the skin from within.

The marine origin Corneogel re-densifies the corneous (outer) layer of the skin to fill wrinkles on the surface.

The ingredients actively work together to target each layer of the skin for a re-cushioning effect that is designed to work from the inside out.

Mathilde Gedouin-Lagarde, marketing and communications director at Phytomer, says: “With Resubstance, Phytomer laboratories have invented a powerful treatment to recreate the lost substance of post-menopausal skin.”

Gedouin-Lagarde adds: “The outstanding replenishing powers of active ingredients from the sea are blended into a generous nourishing cream. The skin regains more substance and feels comfortable again.”

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